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Assistant Teacher
Training Program

About Program

To further help our dancers achieve success in the dance industry we are proud to continue The Assistant Teacher Training Program. 


Students ages 13 and older who are interested in teaching and choreographing in a studio or theatre setting may apply to be accepted into this program.



  • Must be 13-year-old or older.

  • Must be taking at least 2 styles of dance.

  • Must be able to attend the full training class. 

  • Must be able to commit to being a Teacher’s Aide in 1-2 classes during the following school year, about 2 hours a week (September - June).

This program is offered with a $75 course fee. Dancers from other studios are welcome to apply. This fee includes a teacher’s training manual that will help your dancer throughout their teaching career

We reserve the right, depending on applicants’ experience, education and age to advance them as we see appropriate.


First Year

Upon completion of the training class, participants in ATTP will become a class Aide at one of our Studios. Class Aides will be placed with a mentor teacher and help run 1-2 classes throughout the school year.  Aides will be expected to follow the guidelines and policies they were trained upon during the training as well as have opportunities to implement syllabus and teaching techniques.  Student Aides may also be used as emergency, last resort substitute teachers in select levels. Student Aides will receive a nominal tuition credit ($10 per hour worked as compensation). Aides must complete a time sheet to ensure their account is credited appropriately.


We are not able to compensate for dance classes taken at other studios.


Second Year

In the second year, those teachers with mentor teacher recommendations will graduate to Apprentice teachers, They  are given 1 class that they will teach on their own. Apprentice Teachers will be paid minimum wage and may be used as substitutes frequently. After a probationary period, we will re-evaluate to see if the Apprentice Teacher is able to take on more classes, if the needs of the business require it. We expect participants to make a full school year commitment. All Student teachers must maintain their appropriate level of dance classes while employed at CDT until the time they graduate from High School.


Upon Graduation of ATTP, these young teachers will receive a certificate of completion and are eligible for a fuller work schedule. Any ATTP graduate still in high school is required to continue their dance training in at least 2 dance styles. High school graduate teachers are highly encouraged to continue taking class as we believe that to be a good teacher you must be a lifelong learner.

Download application below or visit the front desk to fill one out.

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